So. Many. Thanks.
First, a little confession…
In the final minute of the campaign, I sneaked on and tipped in the final $3 to get us to $60,000… I just had to see that odometer roll over…
Next up, a huge THANK YOU to everyone who supported the campaign!
With the help of 652 backers we hit an totally unprecedented, wildly unexpected $60,000, with over 680 books pre-ordered and nearly $3500 raised for Kiva microloans to women food entrepreneurs around the world.
In addition, many thanks are due to a whole slew of people who helped behind the scenes to make this possible:
Thanks to all the people who listened to, advised and mentored me in the lead up to launch: John Hanna, PJF, Kir Hanson, Lisa Kates, Hilary McMahon, Lucy Waverman, Amy Rosen, Joshna Maharaj, and other patient, indulgent souls.
Thanks to Ksenija Hotic & Buffy Childerhose for creative collaboration, Marisa Blankier for invaluable admin support, Yvonne Tsui for PR, and John Wojewoda for help with Facebook.
Thanks to the writers & journalists who have taken the time to shine the light of their talent on this: Karon Lui, Ivy Knight, Amy Carlberg, Emma Waverman & Gill Deacon, Carole Nelson Brown, Ola Mazzuca, Jen McNeely, and all of you who took the time to share this with their friends on social media.
First order of business: Dougie Kerr Posters & Prints
Now that I finally have access to backer’s contact info and pledge details, I am following up with everyone who ordered a Dougie Kerr Original Poster or Digital Print, and am doing my best to get them into your hands in time for Xmas.
Anyone who requested a Digital Print, all posters are available so everyone should be able to get the print of their choice, but letting me know which one you want will help me figure out how many of each to print. (The full list is available here.)
Prints can be picked up at The Depanneur (1033 College St.) today (TUE Dec 22) and tomorrow (WED Dec 23) between 4-7:30pm, or by appointment. I will reimburse shipping fees ($5) to everyone who picks up their poster in person. If you would like me to mail your poster to you, simply reply with your mailing address, and I’ll get that out ASAP.
The Takeaway
Karma isn’t really the right word, but having spent 10 years devoting myself to the community that The Depanneur has become, it is very validating and encouraging — on a level much bigger than just The Dep — that when the going gets tough, it all comes around. If people take away one thing from this whole project, I hope this is it.
Thanks again for your support, and looking forward to creating an amazing book for you all in 2021