2022 Sabbatical Announcement

My nieces, Lucy & Grace, in front of The Depanneur, 2011 & 2021
Hello Dep Friends, Fans & Fam
Two Big Announcements
It is with tremendous pride that I want to let everyone know that The Depanneur Cookbook will be published nationally by Simon & Schuster in 2023, led by award-winning cookbook editor Kirsten Hanson.
Another major milestone: I will be not be renewing my lease at 1033 College at the end of the year; I will be taking a break in 2022 to focus my energies on envisioning and manifesting the next iteration of The Depanneur.
The Deets
As we approach the 1-year anniversary of the launch of The Depanneur Cookbook Kickstarter campaign, as well as the 11th anniversary of my arrival at 1033 College Street, we are all due for a bit of an update. Much has changed in that time, and there are plenty more changes in store.
First, a bit of a step back to 2019. The Depanneur was thriving in the groove it had spent the previous few years refining. I was running over 300 events a year: Supper Clubs, Drop-In Dinners, Cooking Classes, Table Talks plus the brunch residency, the rental kitchen and countless private events. As deeply rewarding as it all was, it was a LOT of work, and while I did have some part-time help, the nature of The Dep’s business model was such that it always seemed to be 3 people’s worth of work with 1.5 people’s worth of revenue.
The Dep’s commitment to accessibility and inclusivity meant that I strove to keep prices as affordable as possible, but 2019 also saw the negotiation of a new 3-year lease with a 60% increase, culminating in a rent that is 300% more than when I has started out in 2011. Needless to say the space did not get 3 times bigger, nor my prices 3 times higher!
Nonetheless I persevered. I had always meant The Dep to be small; its smallness was a factor of limited means, but also a means of lowering risk, removing barriers, keeping it accessible and affordable. It was also a philosophical stand against the go-big-or-go-home mentality of insatiable growth, an embodiment of a more modest, more sustainable vision of success, of an idea of “enough”. But smallness is not without its own costs. While I was content with the modest income and vibrant community that The Dep offered, I was getting tired, and could sense the ominous shadow of burnout lurking in the corners.
I spoke about this to my mentors and advisors, explaining that while I didn’t really need to make more money, I did need to figure out a way to work less. The advice I was given was: you might need to make more money if you want to work less. This inspired me to begin to explore a possible expansion, to figure out how I could scale what we did to a point where I could afford to hire full time staff, but still retain the intimate and personal qualities that were essential to The Dep experience.
I looked into a number of different spaces, and began several promising conversations around possible collaborations and partnerships. But as more and more ideas began to swirl around the potential of these new spaces, I began to feel overwhelmed. I could not conceive of, plan and build a whole new Depanneur while running the existing Depanneur – it was just too much. You can’t change the tires while the car is moving.
When I was 25, I took a year off after graduating from Dawson Institute of Photography in Montreal. I travelled around the world, and that trip remains among the greatest, most enlightening experiences of my lifetime, one that would deeply inform everything I would later do. I was turning 50 in 2020, and thought: perhaps it was time for another ‘quarterly report’, to check in and reset, a chance to reflect and make space for new things to take root. I decided that I would postpone the development of The Dep 2.0 and take a sabbatical; a bit of a well-earned rest, but also an opportunity to reflect on what I had been doing the last 10 or so years. I would take the time to think carefully about what I want to do next, and create the space to thoughtfully move towards bringing it to life.
I even learned a bit about the history and etymology of the sabbatical; the sabbath year (Shmita in Hebrew) literally means “release”. It stems from ancient Jewish wisdom: in the same way that Jews were commanded to take one day of each week to rest and reflect – the sabbath – the Torah also mandates that every seventh year of the seven-year agricultural cycle be a rest for the land, so that it might regenerate and remain fertile. The next official Shmita year was 2021-2022 (5782). It seemed that even Yahweh was on board with my plan.
It is said that the Lord works in mysterious ways, and at the beginning of 2020 the world entered the era of COVID-19. Suddenly there was no where to go, and whatever financial projections that had been undergirding my plans were now the realm of speculative fiction. In the first quarter of 2020 I cancelled and refunded more than $25,000 worth of tickets, and redirected the Dep’s energies into two Pick-Up Dinners per week.
Ironically, the Dep’s smallness, which had been its limiting factor and driver of the proposed expansion, became its saving grace. Had I doubled down on an expensive second lease and an ambitious new build-out, and then walked directly into COVID, the result would have been catastrophic. In the clarity of hindsight, I dodged a bullet, big-time. The Dep was small and resilient enough that I was able to sustain it as a more-or-less one man show throughout all of COVID, even extending to curate two successful Communal Picnics series in collaboration with The Bentway in the summers of 2020 & 2021.
The constraints of this new reality also pushed me to think about what actually was possible under the circumstances; how could I continue to support the amazing community of cooks and diners that are the heart of The Depanneur? From this emerged the idea to create The Depanneur Cookbook, showcasing 100 recipes and stories of 100 people who have cooked here over the last decade. I launched this ambitious project in November 2020 on Kickstarter and within a few weeks it had become the most-funded Canadian cookbook project ever listed on the platform.
I have been hard at work on it ever since, all while still running The Dep’s twice-weekly Pick Up Dinners, and more recently, rebooting our in-person Cooking Classes. Along with an amazing team — Ksenija Hotic, Buffy Childerhose, Raluca Cojocariu, Carole Nelson Brown, Katherine Gibson, Hillary McMahon, and others — we have compiled stories and recipes representing more than 80 nationalities and highlighting the spectacular diversity of culinary talent in Toronto.
We are very nearly done with the heart of the project, and are now focused on recipe testing and the last of the contributor interviews. Turns out compiling an anthology of 100 contributors is actually a LOT of work… whoda thunk? Meanwhile I am still in the process of telling the story of The Depanneur, its many trials and tribulations, lessons and rewards; I am nearly 40,000 words in (!), and there is still a fair bit to go. It is my goal to have the final manuscript submitted to the editors by the end of the year.
It is clear that there is no way this can all fit into a cookbook, nor can all of the incredible stories that have emerged from our conversations with the 100 contributing cooks. It is my hope to tap this rich vein over the course of the next year, through a combination of blogging and podcasting, to build anticipation for the release the book in 2023.
I am incredibly grateful to everyone who has made this project possible, and who have stuck by The Dep through the many challenges of the last 18+ months. I am very much looking forward to having the time and space to explore the ideas and experiences that will become the map of The Dep’s future journey. Though it is a little bittersweet to come to the end of this amazing chapter of The Depanneur, it makes the anticipation of what is to come all the more delicious.
“Look on every exit as being an entrance somewhere else.”
― Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead
PS: If you currently have Depanneur gift certificates, I would encourage you to redeem them towards any of the Pick-Up Dinners or Cooking Classes we are offering between now and the end of 2021. Of course, any outstanding gift certificates will be honoured by the next iteration of The Depanneur, and can also be applied towards the purchase of an advance copy of The Depanneur Cookbook.
COVID Update Mar 16
#DoingWhatWeCan #StillDoing
We recognize the importance of diligence, caution, and collective participation in helping minimize the spread of COVID-19. We are monitoring municipal, provincial and federal guidelines, and adhering to best practices for small gatherings.
The CDC and Provincial health officials have recommended avoiding/rescheduling gatherings of more than 50 people. The Dep classes are capped at 12 people, and 24 guests for Drop In Dinners and Supper Clubs. We’re also expanding our pickup/takeout options. We’ll continue to closely follow the situation and recommendations, and adjust accordingly.
COVID-19 is definitely turning things upside down for a lot people. To try and make things a bit easier, The Dep is doing what we can to help:
Drop-In Dinners now have online pre-ordering for pickup
You can now pre-order your Wed-night Drop-In Dinner online and it will be ready for you to pick up at your specified time.
Mama Linda’s Filipino Brunch now offers call-ahead for pickup
Maria Polotan is taking advance orders for brunch dishes packed up to go! Give her a call or text at 416-573-3108 and she’ll have your order ready for you when you arrive
Increased Social Distancing at Cooking Classes
We’ve re-organized our space for classes to have 3 separate tables of 4 people.
Supper Clubs now have a takeout option
If you have purchased a ticket to one of our upcoming Supper Clubs, we are happy to pack up your meal for pickup; just let us know us by email.
Revised Cancellation Policy
We have updated our cancellation policy to give people more options, make it easier for people who need to change plans on short notice.
Clean Hands & Open Hearts — A Dep COVID-19 Update
Dear friends, guests, and supporters,
While it is encouraging to see people continue to sign up for our upcoming events, it is also understandable that public health concerns may impact some people’s decisions in the coming weeks. In light of the extraordinary circumstances we find ourselves in, I wanted to take a moment to update everyone on what precautions and policies we are putting in place for the foreseeable future.
The Dep will continue to operate as usual, hosting our classes and events. We will double down on the cleaning and sanitizing protocols for our space, and will be switching to antimicrobial soap for our washrooms and hand wash stations. For Supper Club events, we will consider individual vs. family-style plating options where possible.
We are also going to make some temporary changes to our cancellation/refund policies. Anyone feeling unwell or under advisement to minimize non-essential public interactions, please contact us ASAP if you think you will not be able to attend an event to which you have purchased tickets.
As per our regular policy, we will do our best to find other takers for your tickets. Any released tickets that are picked up will be fully credited automatically.
As a temporary measure, if you are able to let us know >48 hrs prior to your event, we can offer a full credit or refund, regardless of whether the tickets are picked up or not.
For situations where we are notified with less than 48hrs notice, and where tickets go unused, we can offer a 50% credit or refund, as the chefs are likely to have already purchased/prepared ingredients based on the tickets sold.
Should it become necessary for us to cancel any event, we will, as per usual, issue full refunds to all ticket holders.
While we will be issuing refunds and credits as per this policy by default, should you like to consider your ticket purchase as a donation to help support The Dep through what is certain to be a challenging stretch, please let us know.
It is my hope that we can navigate the challenges and uncertainty of the current situation together, and continue to create and share interesting food things with our amazing community of supporters.
We will be following any Toronto Public Health advisories, and will do our best to keep everyone updated should the circumstances change.
Redeeming Depanneur Gift Certificates or Discount Coupons
Looking to buy Gift Certificates for The Depanneur? Click Here
Using Your Gift Certificate or Discount Coupon
You (or the Gift Certificate recipient, if you requested it be emailed directly to them) will receive an email with a coupon that looks like this:
Simply click on it, and the Gift Certificate should automatically be applied to your shopping cart when you head to the checkout.
Whoever placed the order will also receive an order confirmation with a link to a downloadable/printable Gift Certificate
The printable Gift Certificate looks like this; it’s not required, it’s just in case you want a physical certificate to give as a gift. You’ll need to write in the coupon code you received
You can also download one here if you need it.
Alternatively, you can apply the code by copying & pasting (or typing) it into the Coupon Code field of the shopping cart screen
Holiday Hours & 2018 Schedule Changes
The Dep will be CLOSED from December 17 – January 18
BRUNCH will be OPEN every SAT & SUN throughout the holidays,
except for Sunday, Dec 24.
Stay tuned for an exciting New Year’s Day Brunch announcement!
Up Next: 2018 Schedule
Some changes to our scheduled activities
It’ll take a while before the whole website is updated with the new information – I’ll be working on that over the break.
SUNDAYS | Workshops 6:30–9pm
MONDAYS | Workshops 6:30–9pm
Our Workshops have become very popular, selling out quite often; as a result, we have been offering additional classes on subsequent dates. We’ve put some of these on Sunday nights, and that has proven to be a convenient time for many people. To make it as easy as possible for our instructors, it’s best if we can run classes on back-to-back dates, so I’m going to start scheduling workshop for Sunday nights, and if there is overflow, we can carry over the classes on to Monday nights as well.
We’re also going to be increasing the prices of our Workshops from $50 to $60. I’ve done a bit of research and many of our workshops we offer are less than half the price of equivalent classes in other locations around the city! Ironically, I believe The Dep also pays our instructors more than anywhere else: 60% of the ticket price! But like everyone else, we need to keep up with rising food costs, rent, etc. The increase will be split between instructors and The Dep, so that they will all take home a bit more from each class, and still be a great value for participants.
Note: I will send out a special discount coupon to anyone purchasing a Gift Certificate in December 2017 for $10 off any workshop in 2018 so that their Certificates can still be redeemed for a full workshop ticket.
1st TUESDAYs | Table Talks 6–9pm
Our popular speaker series with dinners by Dep founder Len Senater will continue on the 1st Tuesday of each month.
WEDNESDAYS | Newcomer Kitchen 6–7pm
Newcomer Kitchen will resume — hopefully, pending successful fundraising in December — in late Jan, but will be now be on Wednesdays instead of Thursdays.
THURSDAYS | Drop-In Dinners 6-9pm
The Dep’s popular Drop-In Dinner series will move to Thursday nights. Come check out a different guest chef each week.
FRIDAYS | Private Events 6-11pm
Many people host their own private parties at The Dep, so we’re dedicating Friday nights specifically for this.
SATURDAYS | Supper Club 7:30-10:30pm
Our fabulous family-style dinner parties will continue on Saturday nights
SATURDAY & SUNDAYS | Brunch — 10am–2:30pm
We’re stoked to have Mazeh, a great new Middle Eastern-inspired brunch, on the go every Sat & Sun.
- Rez bel Shairieh
- Tabbouleh تبولة
- Mahalabia مهلبية
[beef ] Kibbeh summaqiyah كبة سماقية
Kibbeh in sumac sauce are a specialty of Aleppo, considered by many to be the culinary capital of Syria. Kibbeh – egg-sized elongated balls of finely ground spiced halal beef and bulgur stuffed with a ground beef and nut mixture, are fried and then cooked a tangy, dark red sumac-infused sauce with lots of onion and sometimes eggplant and/or lamb as well. Served with Rez bel Shairieh (rice with vermicelli)
[vegetarian] Kibbeh summaqiyah كبة سماقية
Vegetarian kibbeh, with a bulgur and potato dough and a mushroom and walnut filling, also cooked in a tangy sumac sauce
Tabbouleh تبولة
Originally from the mountains of Syria and Lebanon, tabbouleh has become one of the most popular salads in the Middle East. A fragrant herb salad of parsley and mint, tomato and onion, with a scattering of bulgur, and seasoned with olive oil, lemon, and salt.
Mahalabia مهلبية
A delicate milk and semolina pudding scented with rose water and garnished with pistachio and a touch of coconut.
$20 +HST
Holiday Cookie Box by Newcomer Kitchen!
20 delicious homemade Syrian cookies — a perfect gift!
(If you can resist eating them yourself!)
Add one to your Thursday order for $20.
Meals are available for pickup from The Depanneur,
1033 College Street (between Dufferin & Dovercourt) from 6–7pm
foodora sponsors FREE Delivery within 3km radius
Delivery outside 3km can be arranged with Liam Woolacoot of Saoirse Couriers
647-676-6486 | liamgordonwoolacoot@gmail.com
Meals go on sale on Tuesday at 7am.
Please indicate “PICKUP” or “DELIVERY” in the Order Notes at the Checkout.
Newcomer Kitchen is a new project that invites groups of Syrian refugee women to use our kitchen to cook traditional Syrian dishes in a fun, social setting. Meals are prepared and packaged, and then sold online for pickup or delivery to pay for all the ingredients and provide an honorarium for the cooks.
We also offer 1 spot to help/hang out in the kitchen, learn the recipes and join the ladies for family meal on Thursday afternoon. We are asking for a $50 donation for this, which will go to topping up the $ we have to share with the cooks. This is available for purchase online, on a first-come, first-served basis.
Proceeds from the sale of meals goes directly to the newcomer cooks. However this does not cover the costs of the enormous amount of behind-the-scenes coordination required to keep this project going. You can support the Newcomer Kitchen project directly and our vision of expanding this model to support more women in more neighbourhoods!
Help us take this idea into any restaurant kitchen, in any city in the world!
Learn more about the Newcomer Kitchen project.
Newcomer Kitchen Brunch at Butler’s Pantry
We invite you to join Newcomer Kitchen at Butler’s Pantry for Toronto’s first authentic Syrian brunch!
brought to you with the generous support of Westbank
This is the first official public Newcomer Kitchen spin-off project, in a trial-run, limited seating engagement. Come enjoy a lavish spread of traditional Syrian home cooking prepared by the talented cooks of Newcomer Kitchen.
Every Sunday until December 18 — SOLD OUT
Prix fixe menu — sold in pairs of 2 — $30 per person
11am, 12, 1 & 2 pm — Tickets must be purchased in advance
(note: each seating is for nearly 2 hours; no one wants to rush Sunday Brunch!)
Butler’s Pantry, 591 Markham Street, Toronto, ON M6G 2L7 View Map
Bottomless tea!
MEZE (all included, for sharing for 2 people)
Khabaz Saj
Warm flatbread prepared on the domed sag oven
With za’atar and olive oil for dipping
Homemade yogurt cheese balls cured in olive oil and seasoned nigella and sesame seed
Kebbeh Bel Sayniyeh
Baked bulgur dough stuffed with walnuts, potatoes, onions, tomato and pomegranate
Baba Ganouj
Smoky eggplant dip with tahini, pomegranate molasses, walnuts and pomegranate seeds
Salatet Na’ameh
Fresh salad of finely chopped tomato, cucumber & onion with lemon, olive oil and mint.
Mukhallat & Atun
Pickled turnips and wild cucumbers; sun-dried black olives spiced with herbs, lemon and Aleppo pepper
Selection of fresh vegetables to accompany the meal
MAINS (choice of one)
The Syrian version of the classic Middle Eastern shakshouka; sunny eggs cooked in a rich, chunky tomato sauce with garlic and olive oil.
Fattet Maqdoos
Crispy pita bread, topped with baked eggplant, yogurt- tahini sauce, caramelized onions, pine nuts & parsley. Vegetarian -or- with awarma (confit halal beef)
Beid bel Toum
Syrian hash! Eggs scrambled with potato and whole confit garlic cloves, garnished with pine nuts and herbs.
Vegetarian -or- with awarma (confit halal beef)
Salatet Sabaneh
Wilted spinach tossed with a warm sautée of chickpeas, mushrooms and onions, garnished with lemon & olive oil
Vegan -or- topped with an olive-oil fried egg.
Figs stuffed with walnuts & dates stuffed with almonds, with grape molasses and tahini for dipping.
Semolina and yogurt cake, topped with an almond and infused with orange blossom syrup
Buttery pistachio and sesame cookie
Beverages available a la carte | Gratuity not included
Butler’s Pantry + Newcomer Kitchen + Westbank
Newcomer Kitchen invites Syrian newcomer women to share their remarkable cooking skills through collaborations with local restaurants. newcomerkitchen.ca
Butler’s Pantry has become a Toronto institution, serving international comfort foods since 1985. butlerspantry.ca
Westbank is Canada’s leading residential and mixed-use real estate development company, committed to including affordable and social housing, non-profit community partnerships, and accessible public space in all of its projects. westbankcorp.com
Newcomer Kitchen Brunch at Butler’s Pantry — SUN Nov. 20
We invite you to join Newcomer Kitchen at Butler’s Pantry for Toronto’s first authentic Syrian brunch!
This is the first official public NK spin-off project, in a trial-run, limited seating engagement. Come enjoy a lavish spread of traditional Syrian home cooking prepared by the talented cooks of Newcomer Kitchen.
Prix fixe menu — sold in pairs of 2 — $30 per person
3 seatings — 11am, 12 & 1 pm — Tickets must be purchased in advance
Bottomless tea!
MEZE (all included, for sharing for 2 people)
Khabaz Saj
Warm flatbread prepared on the domed sag oven
With za’atar and olive oil for dipping
Homemade yogurt cheese balls cured in olive oil and seasoned nigella and sesame seed
Kebbeh Bel Sayniyeh
Baked bulgur dough stuffed with walnuts, potatoes, onions, tomato and pomegranate
Baba Ganouj
Smoky eggplant dip with tahini, pomegranate molasses, walnuts and pomegranate seeds
Salatet Na’ameh
Fresh salad of finely chopped tomato, cucumber & onion with lemon, olive oil and mint.
Mukhallat & Atun
Pickled turnips and wild cucumbers; sun-dried black olives spiced with herbs, lemon and Aleppo pepper
Selection of fresh vegetables to accompany the meal
MAINS (choice of one)
The Syrian version of the classic Middle Eastern shakshouka; sunny eggs cooked in a rich, chunky tomato sauce with garlic and olive oil.
Fattet Maqdoos
Crispy pita bread, topped with baked eggplant, yogurt- tahini sauce, caramelized onions, pine nuts & parsley. Vegetarian -or- with awarma (confit halal beef)
Beid bel Toum
Syrian hash! Eggs scrambled with potato and whole confit garlic cloves, garnished with pine nuts and herbs.
Vegetarian -or- with awarma (confit halal beef)
Salatet Sabaneh
Wilted spinach tossed with a warm sautée of chickpeas, mushrooms and onions, garnished with lemon & olive oil
Vegan -or- topped with an olive-oil fried egg.
Figs stuffed with walnuts & dates stuffed with almonds, with grape molasses and tahini for dipping.
Semolina and yogurt cake, topped with an almond and infused with orange blossom syrup
Buttery pistachio and sesame cookie
Beverages available a la carte | Gratuity not included
on Facebook
on Eventbrite
Newcomer Kitchen invites Syrian newcomer women to share their remarkable cooking skills through collaborations with local restaurants. newcomerkitchen.ca
Butler’s Pantry has become a Toronto institution, serving international comfort foods since 1985. butlerspantry.ca
WORKSHOP: Syrian Home Cooking with Newcomer Kitchen
MONDAY, Oct. 10 | 10am-5pm
An all-day cooking workshop on Thanksgiving Monday!
Back in the spring, The Depanneur reached out to the Syrian newcomer community and has been delighting in the delicious results ever since. Our Newcomer Kitchen project has become something of a local sensation, serving up 50 meals of traditional Syrian home cooking every week.
In that time, many people have expressed tremendous interest in learning some of these fabulous recipes, so for this Thanksgiving Monday, The Dep and Newcomer Kitchen are teaming up to offer a full-day, hands-on workshop delving into a some of our most popular Syrian dishes. The class will be led by Rahaf Al Akbani, one of Newcomer Kitchen’s coordinators, along with 2 of our talented Syrian cooks, and facilitated by The Dep’s Emily Zimmerman.
The class will cover a number of delicious and traditional Syrian recipes, and will include a meze lunch and food to take home.
— Morning —
Mutabal kousa متبل كوسا
Syrian home cooking is notable for its economy and minimal waste. The pulp scooped out of the middle of the zucchinis when they are cored to make Kousa Mahshi is not thrown out, but rather cooked up and combined with tahini and lemon to transform it into a subtle and delicious meze dip akin to baba ganoush.
Kibbeh bel Senia كبة بالصينية
Kibbeh is one of the most quintessential Syrian dishes, made from a thick dough of bulgur (steamed, dried and cracked whole wheat). Many types of kibbeh are individually stuffed, shaped and fried, which can be very labour intensive, but this delicious vegetarian kibbeh is stuffed with a combination of walnuts, potatoes, onions, tomatoes and pomegranate seeds, garnished with pine nuts, baked in a tray like brownies!
Salateh Naameh سلطة ناعمة
This essential Mediterranean salad can be found throughout the middle east, with tomatoes, cucumber, and white onion are finely diced and seasoned with olive oil, mint and lemon juice.
Khabaz Saj (خبز الصاج)
A simple fresh flatbread, handmade on the traditional domed oven of the same name.
— Afternoon —
Kousa Mahshi كوسا محشي
Stuffed zucchinis were cherished by the former Ottoman Empire, and they made them popular from the Balkans to the Levant. Most popular are the beautiful, pale green young marrow or summer squash, but regular zucchinis work just fine. They are hollowed out with a special implement called a manakra (an apple corer works well in a pinch), and stuffed with a mix of ground halal beef and rice, or a spiced rice mixture for a vegetarian option.
Namoura نمُّورة
An classic Syrian dessert, a rich buttery semolina and yogurt cake, garnished with almonds and drizzled with a orange-blossom infused syrup.
$125 +HST
Newcomer Kitchen is a new project that invites groups of Syrian refugee women to use our kitchen to cook traditional Syrian dishes in a fun, social setting. Meals are prepared and packaged, and then sold online for pickup or delivery to pay for all the ingredients and provide an honorarium for the cooks. The project now supports over 55 women and has paid out over $16,000 directly into the community in only a few months.
Proceeds from the sale of meals goes directly to the newcomer cooks. However this does not cover the costs of the enormous amount of behind-the-scenes coordination required to keep this project going. You can support the Newcomer Kitchen project directly and our vision of expanding this model to support more women in more neighbourhoods!
Learn more about the Newcomer Kitchen project.
Every Monday, The Depanneur invites TO’s best culinary talents to lead fun, hands-on workshops.
The Depanneur
CCFE Solutions Salon
Center for Social Innovation
192 Spadina Ave., Suite 501, Toronto, ON
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