If you’ve ever been to a bris or bar mitzvah, you’ve probably witness the lavish spread of “Appetizings” that mark Jewish celebrations – egg & tuna salad, herring, cream cheese & lox, salads and the like – and that have made Jewish deli fare a favourite across North America.
Emily Z combines her talented vegan touch with her Jewish family heritage to create a plate of twisted traditional salads and spreads. Homemade cashew cream “cheese”, mock “egg” salad, creamy eggplant “herring”, sunflower chopped “liver” and cucumber salad along with a wedge of tomato, onion and served with dark rye or GF sourdough bread. $12
There will also be Emily’s amazing un-chicken noodle soup ($4) and her infamously delicious chocolate matzoh toffee crunch ($3)