by Maria Polotan
Corn and Black Bean Empanaditas
These “little empanadas” are a favourite hand pie in the Philippines, one can find them everywhere from street food vendors to elite social gatherings. This version features a thin, baked wheat pastry filled with fresh Ontario corn and black beans stewed in fresh tomato sauce with garlic, onion, coriander, cumin and lime, and served with a cilantro dipping sauce.
Adobo sa Gata (meat)
A coconut milk-infused stew with chicken & pork slowly cooked with garlic, soy sauce, coconut and sugarcane vinegars, black pepper, and bay leaf.
Adobong Tokwa at Kabute (vegan)
Shiitake mushroom, tofu and Asian greens braised in classic adobo seasonings.
Served with steamed bok choy, white jasmine rice and achara, a tangy pickle of green papaya, carrot, onion, garlic, and ginger.
A sticky and sweet rice cake topped with a gooey coconut-caramel glaze.